- Each horse will pay a 10% commission of the sold price. If the horse does not sell you will not be charged a “no sale” fee. If the horse sells due to its affiliation with the auction within 72 hours of the close of that auction, the full commission will apply
- A lot of work is put into this sales platform so once your horse is entered in and consigned to the sale, the horse is expected to stay in the sale, there is no tolerance for pulling your horse from the sale. If we find that you pulled your horse to sell it outside of the bounds of the sale you will not be allowed to buy or sell with us again. If something unforeseen happens to your horse or your horse does something unforeseen, you need to contact us, and we will understandingly reevaluate the situation. This rule is in place to keep people from selling their horse outside of the sale once consigned. If you have a reserve in place on your horse and the horse reaches the reserve, you must sell the horse. And if the horse is “passed out” or “no-saled” because the reserve has not been met, and the horse sells within 72 hours of the sale and is selling due to its affiliation with the sale, the full commission will apply to the sale. This is an honor system, and we know our customers are honorable enough to do this.
- Checks will be mailed to consigner within 10 days of sale close or when buyers funds are cleared
- All horses must have a 6-month negative coggins test and is the sellers responsibility and cost to pull a health certificate for the buyers if needed.
- Registration papers must have signed transfer and everything must be in order, Designer horse sales LLC will not be held responsible for any errors or oversights in registration paperwork
- We strongly advise consigners to point out and make aware of abnormalities and cosmetic blemishes that do not affect soundness, it is up to the buyer to decide what they can accept for flaws. Designer horse sales LLC cannot be responsible for examining every detail on every horse.
- Having a UTD health history on your horse to the best of your knowledge is highly recommended which would include but not limited to vaccinations, farrier worming and dental
- Must Note how many days, you will board horse free of charge, Designer Horse Sales requires you to board the horse up to 7 days free of charge.
- YouTube Video Link (Thorough quality video), you can send new YouTube links throughout the sale.
Unlimited photos (professional photos) a minimum of 4
- Take pictures without saddle
- Pictures of your horse doing a discipline
- Action pictures
- If you are unable to put together videos or take pictures, Designer Horses Sales can help you out with that for a fee, please contact us at 612-670-4055 or
- You want your videos to be easy to see, high resolution, zoom in on the horse, you DO NOT want people watching to strain their eyes to see what they are watching. If you are using a phone, you MUST have the phone horizontal for a bigger viewing picture.